Honorary Consul of Italy in Calgary, Alberta

The Consulate General of Italy (Vancouver) provides consular services to Italian citizens and helps Canadians and other foreigners who want to visit, work, go to school, live or do business in Italy.

These services include visa and passport applications, civil status certificates, Italian fiscal code numbers, citizenship applications, the legalization of documents for Italians and Canadian nationals who need to provide documents in Italy, and general assistance and protection of Italian citizens in Canada.

Further information is available at https://consvancouver.esteri.it.

A limited number of consular services are available in Calgary through the office of the Honorary Consul of Italian in Calgary (Mr. Andrea Riccio). The Honorary Consul is a volunteer position limited by legal decree. Office hours are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at the Calgary Italian Cultural Centre from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm by appointment only.

Not all services require personal attendance. We therefore encourage you to contact the office by email at calgary.onorario@esteri.it with any questions you may have. Please note that inquiries will be responded to in the order in which they are received.

Pensions - Other than legalizing Proof of Life Certificates, the Consulate does not deal with pension issues. These are dealt with by one of the Patronati. Unfortunately we no longer have a Patronato office here in Calgary. Please click here https://consvancouver.esteri.it/consolato_vancouver/en/i_servizi/per_i_cittadini/pensioni for a list of Patronati offices in western Canada that we encourage you to contact.

Andrea Riccio
Honorary Consul of Italy in Calgary

Il Consolato Generale d'Italia (Vancouver) fornisce servizi consolari ai cittadini italiani e assistenza ai canadesi e altri stranieri che vogliono visitare, lavorare, andare a scuola, vivere o fare affari in Italia.

Questi servizi includono richieste di visti e passaporti, certificati di stato civile, codici fiscali, domande di cittadinanza, legalizzazione di documenti per cittadini italiani e canadesi che devono fornire documenti in Italia e assistenza generale e protezione dei cittadini italiani in Canada.

Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili su sito - https://consvancouver.esteri.it.

Un numero limitato di servizi consolari sono disponibile a Calgary attraverso l'ufficio del Console Onorario d'Italia a Calgary (Sig. Andrea Riccio). Il Console Onorario è una posizione volontaria limitata per decreto legislativo. L'orari d'ufficio sono il martedì e il mercoledì presso il Centro Culturale Italiano di Calgary dalle 10:00 alle 14:00 solo su appuntamento.

Non tutti i servizi richiedono la presenza personale. Vi invitiamo pertanto a contattare l'ufficio via e-mail all'indirizzo calgary.onorario@esteri.it per qualsiasi domanda voi potete avere. Si prega di notare che le richieste riceveranno risposta nell'ordine in cui sono state ricevute.

Pensions - Oltre alla legalizzazione dei Certificati di esistenza in vita, il Consolato non si occupa di questioni pensionistiche. Di questi se ne occupa uno dei Patronati. Purtroppo non abbiamo più un ufficio Patronato qui a Calgary. Per favore clicca qui https://consvancouver.esteri.it/consolato_vancouver/en/i_servizi/per_i_cittadini/pensioni per un elenco degli uffici Patronati nel Canada occidentale che vi invitiamo a contattare.

Andrea Riccio
Console Onorario d'Italia a Calgary

Abruzzese Cultural Association of Calgary

The Abruzzese Cultural Association of Calgary is a non-profit organization dedicated to celebrating the province of Abruzzo. Abruzzo is a province in Italy located in the central region on the Adriatic coast. Our main objective is to ensure the preservation and celebration of the Abruzzese culture and traditions for our future generations.

Email: calgaryabruzzese@gmail.com
Website: www.calgaryabruzzese.com

The Calgary Crescendo Choir Society
HISTORY: The Choir held its first performance in 1997. In 2000 the choir was incorporated as The Calgary Crescendo Choir Society. It is an adult non-auditioned and self-funded choir open to men and women, Italian and non-Italian alike. Knowledge of the Italian language is not essential, but your love to sing is. The choir practices every Tuesday evening 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Calgary Italian Cultural Centre (416 1st Avenue NE). Our season runs from September through June (excluding Christmas holidays). The Choir is committed to the promotion of our rich, Italian, musical heritage for the enjoyment of all.

PERFORMANCES: The choir performs folk, popular, a bit of classical, and Christmas songs, both in Italian and English. We have performed at many seniors’ lodges, at Heritage Park, Spruce Meadows, Calgary Sings, and can boast of being an international choir because in August 2007 the choir toured Italy, singing at different venues, entertaining young and old alike. The choir also sang at the annual Italian Festival in San Diego in 2011. In 2022 the Choir will celebrate its 25th Anniversary.

CONTACTS: The choir welcomes invitations to perform at community and cultural functions; if you are interested in having the Choir perform at your special function or would like more details on becoming a member, please contact Cecilia Cupido at cmcupi@telus.net.

Cecilia Cupido, President
Daniela Grossberndt, Secretary
Lucy Ciccaglione, Treasurer
Giuseppina Terracciano, Director - Costume Coordinator
Antonio Cimmino, Director - Membership and Equipment Coordinator
Domenica Labrocca, Director - Social and Event Coordinator
Lina Monte, Director - Performance and Logistics Coordinator
Amanda Joly, Casino Chair - Current Ex Officio

Front Row: From left: Norma Tersigni, Anna Calabrese, Bianca Romeo, Pauline Padbury, Adele Marcucci, Lina Monte, Chiara Conforti, Cecilia Cupido, Glennis Houston (Director)
Second Row: From Left: Giovanna Oliverio, Anna Vizzutti, Domenica Labrocca, Wanda Sanguin, Gerry Manzara, Mimma Vizzutti, Giuseppina Terracciano, Lucia Ciccaglione, Nancy Maher, Cathy Harbinson
Third Row: From Left: Todd Davidson (Pianist), Gino Montte, Rino Calabrese, Vincenzo Terracciano, Tony Cimmino, Ottone Vizzutti, Silvano Vizzutti, Tony Sanguin, Joe Marcucci, Domenico Rossi Missing: Clorinda Contrada, Maria Cervo, Giovanni Cervo

Twenty-four years have passed since a few members of the Italian community gathered at the CICC to discuss the feasibility of starting a choir for their enjoyment and that of the community. In the fall of 1997 the choir became a reality and rehearsals began. Today there are still 30+ members and still going strong.

Calgary Italian Folk Dance Society

The Calgary Italian Folk Dance Society is a dance group comprised of Canadian Italian Youth dedicated to preserving their Italian cultural heritage through dance and music. With traditional and modern folk dances, we honor the spirit and energy that our ancestors brought to Canada.

Website: www.calgaryitalianfolkdancers.com
Facebook: Gli Azzurri The Calgary Italian Dancers
Instagram: Gli Azzurri The Calgary Italian Dancers

Calgary Italian Sportsmen's Dinner Association

The Calgary Italian Sportsmen’s Dinner Association is dedicated to the acknowledgement of worthy student athletes of Italian descent by awarding scholarships recognizing their excellence in athletics, academics and leadership/volunteerism. Our scholarship recipients are honoured at an annual dinner which has grown to be one of the premier charity dinners in Western Canada. Our organization also seeks to promote Italian culture in local schools, post-secondary institutions and the community at large. Finally, the Association also provides support to various other organizations and endeavours within the Calgary Italian and Minor Sports Communities.

Contact Domenic Venturo Q.C.
Email: D.Venturo@scottventuro.com
Website: www.italiansportsmen.com

Calgary Italian Sportswomen’s Association

The focus of our organization is to provide scholarships to young women of Italian heritage who have demonstrated excellence in athletics, academics, leadership, fine arts and volunteering.
Website: www.calgaryitaliansportswomen.ca

Centro Linguistico e Culturale Calgary
(Calgary Italian School)

For nearly 50 years the CLCIC has been a key player in contributing to the preservation and promotion of Italian language and culture in Calgary. The school offers provincially recognized courses to kids of Kindergarten to high school age, and to adults of all ages and ability. Our focus continues to be on highlighting Italy’s rich cultural traditions and history.

416, 1st Ave NE Calgary AB T2E 0B4
403 264-6349
Email: clcic@shaw.ca
Website: www.italianschoolcalgary.com

Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Roman Catholic Church

Italian mass times are Wednesdays at 11am and Sundays at 9:30am.
1714 – 14 Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 1G3
403-276-1689 / Fax: 403-230-0603
Email: office@mmredeemer.ca
Website: www.mmredeemer.ca

Calgary Calabrian Cultural and Heritage Society

Calgary Calabrese Cultural and Heritage Society (CCCHS) was formed in 1987​ to promote and celebrate the traditions that our pioneers brought to Calgary from the southern region of Calabria. We also wanted to celebrate the people who enriched our community with their hard work and commitment to family in their newly adopted hometown of Calgary.

Every January, the CCCHS hosts our annual banquet to celebrate and showcase some of the Calabrese cultural traditions and food and to promote our youth by awarding scholarships to first-year post-secondary students of Calabrese descent by way of their parents or grandparents. We also recently hosted a successful wine-tasting and fundraising event featuring wines and liquors from the Calabria Region, among others. The CCCHS hopes to continue to host events throughout the year.

For more information, please visit us at www.calgaryitalian.ca or contact us through our message portal on our website or through Instagram: @calgary_calabrese.


Please contact Rafela at:

403 264-4133


For all enquiries related to the Centre or information and resources related to the Italian community


We are happy to discuss upcoming events, specials and facility opportunities.

Please contact John

403 560-6244


La Cantina Phone:

403 264-2032